Turning payment phone at the D’Agostino supermarket in the Murray hill worked remarkably still and patiently waited for quarters, in order to draw in its money slot and finger, in order to turn its preselection button. But it was also treated like a museum piece: more geschauener with curiosity however never affects. As inevitably, as thousands of his predecessors, was phone wrested by his long-term bar recently and replaced with a push button selection version. It was perhaps the latter the Drehphones payment Verizons, mentioned spokeswoman Heather Wilner. The fate of this Drehphone is symbolic from the condition of the industry in the whole country. Fair last week, AT&T, their name the roots 19th-century of the industry beschw50rt, announced it would leave to payment phone the business at the end of of 2008. The former BellSouth did the same 2001.
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